Families and students can help stop the spread of COVID-19 by:
Find a Vaccine Location
Vaccines now approved for children
To aid families in finding vaccinations for their children, the state has launched a new webpage ( to help parents and guardians find a vaccine for their children and to answer questions they may have about the vaccine.
COVID-19 Testing Resources
Testing Information and Locations are available from the State of Minnesota's Find Testing Locations page.
COVID Relief Funding
The federal government has passed three major relief packages in response to COVID-19. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES), the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA), and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP). All included funding for K-12 education. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is administering multiple grant opportunities from these three relief packages, along with three rounds of formula-based Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding that districts eligible for Title I, Part A funds received. Forest Lake Area Schools has received grant funding from these relief packages, and the district's grant spending plan is listed on the MDE website.
2023-2024 Plan for Safe Learning
Reviewed and updated 8/30/22
Masks are not required for students on school buses or in school buildings. Students and staff may continue to wear masks if they choose to do so, but masks will not be required.
Handwashing and respiratory etiquette
To reduce the spread of germs, students will be encouraged to wash hands frequently throughout the day. Students and staff should follow typical guidance to cover coughs and sneezes and help prevent the spread of germs in the air.
Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including ventilation
Ventilation systems in all of Forest Lake Area Schools have recently been upgraded and provide excellent exchange and filtering of the air within our school buildings. Custodians will continue cleaning and sanitizing frequently to limit the spread of germs.
Remaining at home when ill
Students and staff who have symptoms of illness must remain home until at least 24 hours after their symptoms improve. Students with COVID-19 related symptoms are encouraged to be tested for COVID-19.
When a student is showing symptoms of any illness, parents must follow the guidance listed on our Health Services "Too Sick for School?" web page.
Diagnostic and screening testing
Families are encouraged to contact their health care provider or public health resources or use an at-home test kit to be tested for COVID-19 any time they have been exposed to someone with the virus, have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or simply wish to screen for asymptomatic cases.
Vaccinations are free and readily available in our community. Families are encouraged to contact their health care provider or public health resources for vaccine opportunities.
Accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety protocols
Our district’s nursing and special education departments will address accommodations or procedures specific to the needs of students with disabilities or unique health concerns. Families with concerns should reach out to their school principal or health office.
Continuity of services
The staff and administration of Forest Lake Area Schools believes that most students learn best in-person at school. The district will prioritize in-person learning wherever possible to ensure that academic, social, emotional and mental health needs are met. Other student services such as on-site mental health services and school meals are also best provided in-person at school. In rare cases where it becomes unsafe or ill-advised to have students learning in-person at school, the district will address the above needs on a remote basis.
Coordination with state and local health officials
The district will report all school-based cases of COVID-19 as required by the Minnesota Department of Health. The District will follow guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health in situations where additional mitigation may be necessary (for instance, if there is an outbreak of flu-like illness within a classroom, grade level or school). Forest Lake Area Schools reserves the right to change elements of the above listed plan if new circumstances arise.