Our Schools
Elementary Schools
Look up your home address to find out which elementary school your child will attend. If your home address cannot be found, you can also check the Minnesota Department of Education District & School Boundary Map.
Columbus Elementary
17345 Notre Dame Street
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-8900
(651) 982-8902
Attendance Line - (651) 982-8905
Health Office - (651) 982-8905
Forest Lake Elementary
408 SW Fourth Street
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-3200
Mrs. Emily Stegmeir - Interim Principal
(651) 982-3201
Attendance Line - (651) 982-3203
Health Office - (651) 982-3203
Forest View Elementary
620 Fourth St. SW
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-8200
(651) 982-8201
Attendance Line - (651) 982-8275
Health Office - (651) 982-8275
Lino Lakes Elementary STEM School
725 Main St.
Lino Lakes, MN 55014
(651) 982-8850
Ms. Sara Stratton, Principal
(651) 982-8851
Attendance Line - (651) 982-8852
Health Office - (651) 982-8852
Linwood Elementary
21900 Typo Creek Drive NE
Wyoming, MN 55092
(651) 982-1900
Ms. Gretchen Mattson - Principal
(651) 982-1901
Attendance Line - (651) 982-1956
Attendance Line - (651) 982-1902
Scandia Elementary
14351 Scandia Trail No.
Scandia, MN 55073
(651) 982-3300
Ms. Shannon Carufel - Principal
(651) 982-3301
Attendance Line - (651) 982-3399
Health Office - (651) 982-3304
Wyoming Elementary
25701 Forest Blvd. No.
Wyoming, MN 55092
(651) 982-8000
Ms. Laurie Chelgren - Principal
(651) 982-8001
Attendance Line - (651) 982-8068
Health Office - (651) 982-8004
Preschool programs are available at each elementary school. Additional preschool and early childhood programs are available at the
Forest Lake Area Schools Education Center
Early Childhood Programs
943 SW 9th Ave.
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Bethany Hardy, Early Childhood Coordinator
Secondary Schools
Forest Lake Area High School
6101 Scandia Trail North
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-8100
Mr. Jim Caldwell - Principal
(651) 982-8401
Attendance Line - (651) 982-8414
Health Office - (651) 982-8423
Forest Lake Area Middle School
21395 Goodview Ave.
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-3000
Mr. Jason Miller - Principal
(651) 982-3100
Attendance Line - (651) 982-3012
Health Office - (651) 982-3009
Forest Lake Area Community School (formerly ALC)
943 SW 9th Avenue
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-3170
(651) 982-3171
Attendance Line - (651) 982-3150
Health Office - (651) 982-3150
STEP Program
200 SW 4th Street
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-8653
Chad Erichsrud, STEP Coordinator
(651) 982-8651
Health Office - (651) 982-8654
Spanish Immersion
Spanish Immersion is offered at Forest Lake Elementary, Forest View Elementary and Lino Lakes Elementary for any district elementary student.
Other facilities & locations
Forest Lake Area Schools District Office
6100 N 210th Street
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Forest Lake Area Schools Education Center
943 SW 9th Ave.
Forest Lake, MN 55025
This building is the home of Community Education, Early Childhood and the Community School, along with office and training spaces for Teaching & Learning and other district-wide staff.
Schumacher Athletic Field
3rd Ave. & 5th St. SW
Forest Lake, MN
Forest Lake Sports Center
5530 206th St. N
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-8160
Swimming Pool at Forest Lake Area Schools Education Center
943 SW 9th Ave.
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-8746
Transportation Dept/Bus Garage
207 6th Ave. NW
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(651) 982-8190