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Minnesota Statutes Section 121A.15 requires children enrolled in a Minnesota school to be immunized against certain diseases, allowing for specified exemptions. All students are required to show proof of vaccination status or exemption status prior to the first day of school (see School Board Policy 525). See the "Are your Kids Ready?" document for a list of required immunizations and specific information about exemptions. For combination vaccines, record the date for each disease/vaccine separately (A combination vaccine is when two or more vaccines are given in one injection).

Finding your student's immunization information

Your student’s immunization records on file with the district can be viewed by logging into ParentVUE. If you need additional assistance obtaining immunization records you can contact the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC) at (651) 201-3980 or by requesting them from your medical provider.

Immunization Exemptions

Immunization Forms & Information