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Physically Impaired

Forest Lake Area Schools provides services to students with an educational diagnosis of PI in all school buildings. Students receive different types and different intensities of service based on their identified special education needs.

Students diagnosed with PI generally require an educational program that accommodates their physical limitations, teaches the student to advocate for their needs and considers the impact the physical condition has on the student’s ability to learn. The programs can differ widely.




Physically Impaired

Minnesota Rule Chapter 3525.1337

Subpart 1. Definition.
"Physically impaired" means a medically diagnosed chronic, physical impairment, either congenital or acquired, that may adversely affect physical or academic functioning and result in the need for special education and related services.

Subp. 2. Criteria.
A pupil is eligible and in need of special education instruction and services if the pupil meets the criterion in item A and one of the criteria in item B.

A. There must be documentation of a medically diagnosed physical impairment.
B. The pupil's:
   1. need for special education instruction and service is supported by a lack of functional level in organizational or independent work skills as verified by a minimum of two or more documented, systematic observations in daily routine settings, one of which is completed by a physical and health disabilities teacher;
   2. need for special education instruction and service is supported by an inability to manage or complete motoric portions of classroom tasks within time constraints as verified by a minimum of two or more documented systematic observations in daily routine settings, one of which is completed by a physical and health disabilities teacher; or
   3. physical impairment interferes with educational performance as shown by an achievement deficit of 1.0 standard deviation or more below the mean on an individually administered, nationally normed standardized evaluation of the pupil's academic achievement.


STAT AUTH: MS s 14.389; 120.17; L 1999 c 123 s 19,20
HIST: 16 SR 1543; L 1998 c 397 art 11 s 3; 24 SR 1799; 26 SR 657

Current as of 10/12/07