S.T.E.P. is a program designed to help adult-age students with disabilities learn both vocational and home-living skills, providing the students with the greatest opportunities for an independent and fulfilling future. Each student in S.T.E.P. has an individualized program based on specific goals and objectives as determined by the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team.
It is a secondary special education program designed for students who:
Are 18 - 21 years old
Have a variety of disabilities
Have a current IEP
Have significant transition needs
Do not have a high school diploma
The main areas covered by S.T.E.P. include:
Jobs & Job Training
Career Exploration
Vocational Assessments
Job Search and Retention Skills
Employer / Employee Expectations
Job Training Opportunities
Employee Rights / Self Advocacy
Daily Living
Meal Planning and Preparation
Housing Options
Finances and Budgeting
Home Maintenance
Personal Hygiene
Health and Safety
Community Participation
Accessing Community Resources
Consumer Skills
Driver’s Education
Safety and Vulnerability
Functional Reading and Math
Recreation and Leisure
Life-Long Fitness
Planning and Participation
Social Skills
Team-Building Activities
Post-Secondary Education
Researching Post-Secondary Options
Accuplacer Preparation
Collaboration with Outside Agencies
For more information on the STEP program,
contact Chad Erichsrud at 651-982-8651