Summer School
We are incredibly excited to offer our 2023 Forest Lake Area Schools Summer Program (K-12) and ESY Program (ECSE-12+). We are dedicated to offering a summer program that is engaging, meaningful, and instructionally a different experience than the regular school year. It is our commitment to prepare our students for a global community and culture to discover a new perspective including a lens of equity and embrace differences. We are also committed to strengthen the skills of collaboration and inquiry to develop critical reasoning and creative problem solving skills through reciprocal teaching, Jan Richardson reading instructional strategies, and number talk in grades K-8. Our 9-12 students will have the opportunity to recover credits needed with staff members who are committed to meeting the individualized learning styles of all students. Students on IEPs will have instruction targeted to their specific needs.
2024 Summer School Dates:
June 17 through July 26 (No School on June 19 or July 1-5)
7:45-12:00 and 8:00-12:15 (times may change slightly depending on transportation)
Grades K-2: Forest View Elementary
Grades 3-5: Forest Lake Elementary
Grades 6-12: Education Center
Students are referred to summer school by their grade level teacher based on need.
(651) 982-3171